11/25/2015 :: Today my mantra is, “I am determined see magic.” The 5 senses that we perceive through, and the left brain dominant structure that we adhere to, limit us to seeing about 20% (max) of what’s going on in the realm. I’m determined open my creative and perceptive right brain and see beyond the 5 sense destiny and delusion. When I defy gravity, I break free from the density. ‪#‎all_in‬‪#‎flow‬ ‪#‎freedomseeker‬ ‪#‎raisethevibration‬ ‪#‎magic‬ ‪#‎yogaeverydamnday‬‪#‎yogaeveryday‬ ‪#‎yoga‬ ‪#‎handstands‬