Daily mantra: be huge, take up space, be seen. Recently in a phone session, one of my most trusted intuitives/guides @soulnavigation said “You’re not putting anything beautiful into the world. I haven’t seen a post in weeks or months. What’s going on? Quit playing small.” Within a few days of that conversation, I left for Mexico, my soul home, I swam in the primordial waters and cleansed my spirit. Ever since, I have felt a fresh wave of inspiration. For whatever reason a couple of thousand people visit my “Mantras & Musings” page every month, many more than visit any other part of my site and I was playing small, “Who wants to hear what I have to say,” balked my ego. Well, a couple thousand people … And There was no fresh energy out there. My guide was right, I hadn’t put anything beautiful into the world in quite some time. I was playing small . . . thank you @bethstuartyoga the reminder. We are all obligated to get off of the sidelines and play huge in our own lives. #raiseyourvibration #freedomseeker #yogaeverydamnday #yoga